
First Empression

Meet Emily Basanese, Principal at Empression Share

Welcome to Empression Share, a culmination of my creativity in all things writing, social media, and the occasional home design project. The name Empression Share is a cheeky combination of my name with the marketing term “Impression Share,” which is defined as the percentage of views your piece of content receives, as compared to the total number of views available (looks like you will be tallied as an empression my friend). Impression is also a word used to describe a feeling - something I hope to help clients express through writing, social media, and storytelling.

My scholastic career brought me through three years of Latin (yes, the dead language) and three years of Spanish. I remember reading Harry Potter and delighting over the Latin roots embedded in characters’ names (ask me about the meaning of Doloris Umbridge).

After getting my Associate’s degree in Spanish, I went to San Jose State to pursue my degree in public relations. With an academic focus in Linguistics, I made sure that language was still at the forefront of my studies. Those LING classes were some of my most challenging classes - have you ever taken a syntax class? It’s like grammar on steroids meets math. It’s every bit as awful as it sounds but afterwords I had a new appreciation for how amazing language is at its core.

After college I worked in public relations and marketing roles, always enjoying the creativity and authenticity of the social media accounts I managed. Outside of work I enjoy hiking, reading, traveling, writing for local publications, and snuggling with my kitten, Archie!

